Buy Golden Teacher Microdose Capsules

Golden Teacher Microdose

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $7.00.

Microdosing – or psychedelic microdosing – is a practice of using “subperceptual” doses of a given psychedelic drug (below the threshold dose) to promote creativity, problem-solving or relieve symptoms of various mental disorders such as depression. Most often, the dose is 10-20x lower than the recommended recreational dose.

A threshold dose is the minimum dose of a drug that will produce an appreciable degree of a given effect.



Buy Golden Teacher Microdose Capsules

Buy  Golden Teacher Microdose Capsules. Microdosing  or psychedelic microdosing  is a practice of using “subperceptual”. Firstly, doses of a given psychedelic drug (below the threshold dose) to promote creativity. Problem-solving or relieve symptoms of various mental disorders such as depression. Most often, the dose is 10-20x lower than the recommended recreational dose.A threshold dose is the minimum dose of a drug. That will produce an appreciable degree of a given effect.

Furthermore, Since microdosing is the use of subperceptual doses. Microdosing is below the threshold dose. Ideally, a microdose will not cause a significant effect on mood or thinking. Instead, its effect will be subtle but present.Although the practice is not scientifically proven. people use LSD, psilocybin mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs for e.g. To improve their creativity and performance in problem solving tasks. Another trend is to use psychedelic microdosing to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Also the practice borrows its name from the pharmaceutical industry’s practice of microdosing a given drug. In addition as part of phase 0 studies. Whether a drug is ready for the next test phase. Microdosing on humans aims to reduce the resources spent on unusable substances and the amount of testing performed on animals.


In general, users report five primary factors that are positively affected by microdosing (of LSD or Psilocybin):

  • Physical / Physical
  • Emotional
  • Creative
  • Sensual
  • Spiritually

         The motives for microdosing can be divided into three main causes:

  • To contribute to creative and problem-solving work and increase productivity – Physical / creative
  • As a medicine to relieve symptoms ifbm. Social anxiety, depression, ADHD or smoking cessation – Emotional / creative
  • Raising Spiritual Awareness – Spiritually


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